Wednesday 29 February 2012

CD inside

This is our final inside CD cover. We took images from the video within the tea party scene and edited them to be black and white with the purple colour on the lipsticks to create continuty with the rest of the CD covers and the album's poster image.
We also zoomed in on a pictutre we originally had of our artist and changed the colouing to an enhnced black and white image. After a discussion on what to make purple, either the nose piercing, her eyelashes or her eyes we decided that eyes would make a bigger impact being a different colour.
As we were having the CDs over the images, they blocked out the pictures which we felt was a shame so we decided to present the inside covers with the discs being transparent as well as the solid CDs so people can get an idea of the image beneath the CD.

Friday 3 February 2012


This is our final poster to advertise our albm. This would be likely to appear in music magazines, possibly some gossip magazines as well as a poster on bus stops and in train stations etc.
We created the image to, again, create continuity between the products of the album and used smilar colouring for the text on the poster as we did for the track names on the CD cover.
We included our production company "YouKnowJack"'s logo, as well as the iTunes logo to show that it is available to download as this is the most popular way of purchasing music right now.
Using the artist as the centeral focus of the poster as this is an eye-catching image that is likely to stick in the minds of those who look at it which makes it memorable for them to want to then purchase the album.
The use of the star-ratings shows that various magazines and newspapers enjoy the album, therefore sending the message that if you read this magazine and they like it, youre likely to enjoy it too.
Keeping the background simple as plain black makes viewers only focus on the necessary information.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Audience Feedback

We showed a number of people our almost finalized music video and asked them to truthfully comment on what they liked, didn't like and what we could improve on. Below are some comments.
  • Good variation of shots / Creative costume and makeup / Interesting location - GARAGE!!!  
  • Change color of font on album 
  • Performance was strong
  • Make up and lip art worked well and was effective
  • Close ups worked well - looked good
  • Nice use of lighting and colouring
  • Good locations/backdrops
  • liked the variety of costume and make up
  • Performance worked well
  • Shot variety
  • Lip syncing looked professional.

From these comments we will be able to make appropriate changes to our video and focus more on the things that worked well for the video.