Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1 Victoria

Evaluation – Question 1 Victoria Bray
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
In terms of the genre of our music video, as we chose a modern pop song, we decided to have the video following the typical conventions of a video that partners a pop song. We decided that performance would be the strongest aspect of the video, as this is the most common trait in many music videos. Alongside the main aspect of performance, we wanted to include a narrative within the video as it helps portray the story within the song. We used a simple narrative to keep the video interesting  but also not having it be so strong so that it can be watched from half way thorough and still be visually entertaining. With regards to a conceptual element in the video, we chose a twisted, edgy idea with an almost ‘Alice in Wonderland’ like feel to it in terms of the fact that the artist finds herself in a different world where adults are acting like children and there is a teddy-bear tea party and so on. 
With regards to Andrew Goodwin’s analysis from ‘Dancing in the Distraction Factory’ (Routledge 1992), he states that the relationship between lyrics and visuals within a music video is illustrative, amplifying or contradicting. I feel that within our music video the relationship is mostly illustrative and amplifying, for example; alongside the lyrics ‘tears falling from my eyes’ is partnered with an image of crying eyes which further illustrates the lyric.

The whole idea of the song being that ‘Nobody’s Perfect’ is clearly amplified by the comnination of strange things and characters within the video. The fact that a clearly grown up woman is sitting at a table having a tea party with odd characters and teddys goes to show that her exterior might appear “perfect” but her mind is coming up with these strange ideas. Goodwin, in his analysis, also talks about the relationship between the music and the visuals and whether they are contradicting, amplifying or illustrative. In our music video, the music is definitely amplified with the visuals.
The video continuously cuts to the beat and within the section where there is a repettitive drum sound, the images are cut directly onto that beat to make the sound even more hard-hitting to viewers. Goodwin also discusses the idea of ‘notion of looking’.
With regards to our music video, due to the audince of teen girls the video does not include a strong sexual image of the artist, though some outfits tend to be quite revealing they are not partnered with sexual movements or expressions, they are clearly set as a fashion statement. Goodwin’s mention of ‘demands of the record label’, though we arent a real record company we knew how we wanted the artist to come across.

We used lots of close ups and shots of the artist so that she becomes a well known face to viewers. Also, the frequent use of shots of the artist performing shows viewers that she is a serious artist who sings well. The close ups of the artist also show the passion and emotion behind what she is singing as she writes the lyrics herself, its real to her and we want the viewers to feel her pain and understand what she is going through.

please see my Wix website presentation:

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