Monday 12 December 2011

Filming Day 5

Within this day of filming we did another lip syncing session in a dfferent outfit and location.
We had the singer dressed in a sexier costume, with a bra top and silky skirt. This was filmed on the stairs of the house as the deep red of the carpet made the peachness of the skirt really stand out and framed the artist nicely.

Friday 9 December 2011

Filming Day 4

This was a quick filming day as we didnt have much time so we decided to do the close up shots of the crying eyes and the lips singing along to the song.
The eyes were all black make up running down like she had been crying to show the idea of sadness within the video as she has lost a friend.
The lips were inspired by Jessie J's use of lip art within her other videos so we dcided to try and make the lips sand out using bright lip colour and try to use some jewels.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Magazine Advertisement

This is an advertisement for Janet Jackson's album in Virgin Magazine. 

The main focus of the advert is the picture of Janet herself, she is centred in the middle so all the attention is drawn towards her. By having this picture so large it is very eye catching and will make a person reading the magazine stop and take a look. The clothing she is wearing is very sexualised at shows that she is focused on the male audience. The colours used are very calming and sexual and complements janet. The background being a waves matches to the colours being calm. This may give a hint of what type of music Janet may have in her album. 

The large font in the background saying 'JANET' makes the viewer know straight away what artist it is, it makes it very clear that she is the main focus and it is her album she is selling. 

On the right hand side it shows the dates of when her album 20Y.O comes on sale, 9.26.06. This is very important as it makes sure that everyone who sees this ad know when her album comes on sale. This may influence her sale rates as it makes people more aware of her sale dates, instead of just true fans who would have known anyway. 

Under neither this it shows her album cover, this is useful as it allows people to know what to look for when they are in the shops. The album cover links into the advert theme of relaxed and calm, she has her hair loose and looks relaxed. It makes her whole theme link into one. 

On the left bottom corner it has the magazines logo, website and Janet's website. This is key information to give to people if they want to research more into it. 

CD Advert Analysis

This advert was chosen as Madonna is a major pop music artist.
The main image focuses on the artist and is also the cover of the album its promoting.
The image is clearly inspired by Andy Worhol’s pop art images but it’s replaced with her image. This helps portray the generic conventions as both aspects of pop – music and art – are combined for the woman who is one of the biggest names within the genre.
Her look is also based on the original image of Marilyn Monroe, hence the beauty mark and hair style. This is because Marilyn is an icon among many women and as women and girls are Madonna’s main audience, they will be drawn to this image as they could feel that the artist could inspire them and become a modern icon.
The artist’s name is clearly stated in black and white capitals along the top of the advert, this is one of the main parts that viewers’ eyes will be drawn to as it states, in an obvious way, who’s album its promoting.
Her expression looks to be sad or tired, this could be taken to show that she is empty and there’s nothing behind the art itself. This is controversial as pop artists seem to show a happy expression alongside their cheerful/light-hearted lyrics.
The writing on the advert almost frames the face, further portraying the idea that the album is a ‘work of art.’
The common colours being bright, yellow, pink, blue and red show the conventions of pop as bright colours are fun to look at, tend to give a happy emotion and are extremely eye-catching.
It advertises the CD to be purchased in a variety of ways. It shows that the hard copy of the CD can be purchased as well as the downloadable version on iTunes as this is the most popular way of buying music recently. It finally says that the album is available on 2 DVDs so that audiences can view and hear the album in a completely different way.
At the bottom, in smaller print, it stated the songs that are included on the CD. These are her most popular songs and ones that will be well known by a majority of people. These are placed on the advert to be a main selling point of the album instead of the artist herself.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Filming Day 3

On this filming day we wanted to introduce the other characters so we decided to film the scene when there is a violinist and the mime that copies her.
for this we decided to dress the violinist in all black, long elegant clothes so she would to fit into a chorus of classical insturments and the black makes the viewers focus on the music rather than the outfit. Her make-up was more extravagant to modernise the look with darker cheeks and highlighted features.
The mime was dressed in black and white top under a black jacket as these are the common colours worn by mimes. The make up on him was white face paint with black tears coming down his face as we wanted to show different emotions in obvious ways in the video to further show the twisted idea of it.
The colours worn by the characters consisting of black and white works well against the background of the bright green of the hedge and really makes the characters stand out so the audeince are only looking at the characters.


Thursday 1 December 2011

CD Cover Analysis: Pixie Lott – Turn It Up

The artist is clearly the central focus of the cover as she is placed in the most eye-catching place – centred, close up of her face. This is because the star is the main selling point of the album to fans.
The name of the artist is written in bold lettering and in white to make it stand out against the image. This font also gives an idea about the pop genre of the music as it shows to be fun and looks almost handwritten to show that the album is personal to the artist and to those buying it.
The album follows basic generic conventions of the pop genre. This is because the cover holds the main image of the artist in a glamorous head shot alongside the name in large font.
The name of the album is not featured on the front cover but on the left of the case.
The note in the corner lists the singles that the artist has already brought out and that have possibly done well in the charts.
The pose of the artist herself is almost dazed and looking off to the corner. This is a typical feminine pose as it highlights her eyes making them a main focus point. Her make-up and hair look quite natural, this is because the artist is a role model to many young girls and she is trying to be her real self.
The left inside image is another shot of the artist.  The image is filled with her head and hair.
This is a more glamorous picture of the artist, her hair and make-up are done perfectly and in a more modern way.
It also follows the conventions of the front cover as she is placed in a neutral way, not sexually or threatening.
The splash of blue on her nails add colour to the image as well as it being a modern nail colour worn by young girls of this generation that her music speaks to.

The inside cover that holds the CD holds another image of the star.
The white background draws the eye directly to the image of her.
This picture differs from the others as you can firstly see her whole body.
The position she is placed in on the chair seems to be slightly more provocative and sexual to show variety in her style.
This is the same outfit as she wears in the other inside cover.
The spine of the CD contains the artist’s name and album title. This is because on a shelf the CD can be identified.

The back cover also contains the general conventions of the back of a CD such as; the track names in their running order, an image/logo and production details.
The image is again of the artist as the central focus. Her positioning is, again, slightly provocative and her elbow almost creates an arrow pointing towards the tracks to move the eye along to the track names.
Both the front cover and back are from the same shoot as she is in the same costume. They seem to show different sides of her and her personality, one side being girly and pretty and the other being more sensual and suggestive with her hand placement and seductive emotion on her face.
The font is in block capitals and consistent, this makes them readable and neat which follow the generic conventions of a pop CD case as the font is easy to read for variant ages.
The silvery background compliments Pixie’s outfit nicely and the faint fading to white in the middle draws the eye to the middle of the image where the most important information is held.
The artist’s name and album name are placed again on the back.
At the bottom is the artist’s web address where fans can go for further information about her and the album.
There are also instructions on how to get bonus content from the album if the CD is placed in a PC.
In small print at the bottom is legal information about production details.

Analysing CD Covers

Second Filming Day

On Monday 28th November we continued our filming process.
We decided to film the balcony scene which consisted of the main singer performing on the balcony in different positions.
We dressed her in the snake-skin leggings paired with a lace top and Dr Martin black boots to show a modern look that is still edgy as well as being feminine.
The lighting for this look was dark sky but we had artificial lighting to highlight her and the house and greenery around her.
We filmed her in different positions on the balcony and from diffrent angles and close ups and long shots to get a variety of shots and as many as we can in a short space of time.
