Saturday 3 December 2011

Filming Day 3

On this filming day we wanted to introduce the other characters so we decided to film the scene when there is a violinist and the mime that copies her.
for this we decided to dress the violinist in all black, long elegant clothes so she would to fit into a chorus of classical insturments and the black makes the viewers focus on the music rather than the outfit. Her make-up was more extravagant to modernise the look with darker cheeks and highlighted features.
The mime was dressed in black and white top under a black jacket as these are the common colours worn by mimes. The make up on him was white face paint with black tears coming down his face as we wanted to show different emotions in obvious ways in the video to further show the twisted idea of it.
The colours worn by the characters consisting of black and white works well against the background of the bright green of the hedge and really makes the characters stand out so the audeince are only looking at the characters.


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