Saturday 29 October 2011

Analysis of Questionnaires

After showing our Pitch to the class, showcasing our main ideas on what the video will entail, we handed out a quick questionnaire to each student. They were asked on their opinions of the video idea, costume and make up related questions, questions on the narrative and so on. This is what we obtained.

When they were asked if they would change or add anything to enhance the theatrical theme of the video in terms of costume the majority said no, our ideas are fine. However one or two made the suggestion to contrast old fashioned clothes with bright, modern colours to give an extra 'shock factor'.
We also wanted to know if they found the make up choices of ours theatrical enough also and they all agreed that our ideas for make up worked well with our theme.
When questioned about adding any more shots/ideas to make the video more memorable or exiting many said it didn't need anything added to it. However one person suggested that more black and white aspects could help portray the idea of childhood.
All those questioned agreed that the narrative is strong enough without being over exaggerated but we were warned that we must make sure that its clear enough in the finished product.
We asked if this type of video would work well as highly conceptive piece or strong in narrative or performance, we got mixed replies in that some said a strong narrative will work better, however others suggested a strong and strange concept will make the video more interesting, so I think it will be best to include both conceptual ideas as well as a running narrative.
The majority agreed that our location choice is good and appropriate in fitting with our ideas and like the relation between the house and a dolls house.
They also agree that our colour theme of contrasting bright and vintage is appropriate for the video.
And finally the majority agree that the conceptual idea of having adults play the roles of children is good as it seems to show irony and will give the video a uniqueness and edgy feel.

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