Sunday 29 April 2012



Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Branding is a large element of our media products, these being the music video itself , Digipack and poster. It brings continuity to each aspect of our product and helps the audience to be able to relate each product with each other. Thus then creates a world of that product which then can be related to the artist, giving the artists their own identity in the music world. This is a very important factor to make sure that the artist can stand out against every other person in the field. 

The themes that we used in through out is the use of the colour purple and black and white. The purple is now seen as the artist ‘colour’ and many items can be related to her now. The colour purple is seen on the artist lips on the music video, there is a close up seen of her singing with that colour lips with jewels on them.  The colour purple is also seen on the writing for the CD cover and back cover as well as the poster text. This then links both ancillary texts together into one, allowing the audience to have a clear understanding that each media belongs to the artist. 
The reason that we used the colour purple is that we feel it is a colour that will be most attractive to our target audience. It is not a childish colour but is also not too serious for it to come across boring and portray our artist in the wrong light. It is mostly attractive towards females however there are numerous boys who will also be attracted to this. 
The use of black and white for the CD and Poster was to make sure that the image we are portraying of our artist is how we want it. We wanted her to come across as friendly and approachable but to also have a deeper side to her thus using the black and white images. By having the pop of colour in the lips and title on the poster and CD it adds counituity as well as a personal touch. 
The farcical expressions that can be seen on the cd and poster are not very typical to the POP genre, this is something we spoke about and decided we wanted to do. We felt if we had an image that was striking and different to the norm it would add more interest into the artist and make people take a second glance and what they are seeing. This then making tem go out to buy the CD to figure out what the messages JESSIE J is showing through her music.

Adele’s 21-album cover inspired the way that our Digipack had been produced, she uses a simple black and white image of herself and the simple 21 text to show the name of her album. This is a design that we liked very much as it was simple and elegant yet still had the interest by the purple text. Its not very typical for a POP artist and other reason for why we chose this design as we liked the factor that it was different and stood out from the norm.

The back of the CD cover we were inspired by the Rolling Stones, the use of the song names being placed like so was and visually appealing way to show song names. I felt that it was youthful and playful, showing the different sides to the artist personality and also links into the different types of songs on the album. Some playful and youthful whist other have a serious tone to them.  The colours used link into the front of the album title, as well as the images inside of the digipack, such as the close up on the purple eyes and the lipsticks. This just adds depth and relation to one another in a subtle way.


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