Thursday 19 April 2012

Question 4 Evaluation Emily Phillips

How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

Our first stage of the production process was to make sure way we had an efficient way to record our progress throughout the production and so we created a blog on as group. This proved to be extremely useful as each post was shown clearly and was easy to label so that each member of the group knew what posts were theirs. It also kept all the stages together on our own website that was easy to access at anytime and at any computer so we could work towards the project as individuals as well as a team.

The next stage was to research; before making decisions on the type of genre we wanted for our music video or what song we wanted to use we wanted to make sure we looked at as many options as possible. Due to our own preferences as a group we knew that our final music video had to be with the pop genre as this was the music we listened to the most and were most familiar with.

We therefore thought that the best way to gain inspiration for choosing a song would be to look at what was popular in the charts at the time. The websites we mainly used for this was the official MTV website and youtube. In this case, you tube proved to be more useful as as well as showing the music video, it also had lists of other videos either by the same artist or in the same genre which gave us a wider range of videos to look at.

After the research was done and we had gathered as much information as possible about different artists and their music videos, we used a website called wordle that was a creative way to present some of our ideas.

Thorough research and organised presentation of ideas allowed us to them begin the filming process; in regards to the hardware used, a modern HD Video Recorder. The HD effect meant that all the footage that we wanted to shoot would have a crystal clear image of the highest quality. The new camera was also equipped with many effects that we could experiment with whist filming; this included what the right white balance looked like, what images looked the best in focus, and how far could we zoom in/out to create as many different angles as possible. The camera was accompanied at all times by a tri-pod that made our shots of a high quality as the camera was always aligned correctly. To make the picture even better on screen we were lucky enough to get a hold of some professional filming lights. These lights proved to be crucial to the filming process and contributed incredibly to the quality of the shots. Not only did they allow the artist to be clearer in the shots, they created interesting and bold effects, particularly when the light were in front of the camera in dark surroundings (the garage shot shown below).

Once we had all our footage, we used final cut express to edit our video, being a alien program to all team members, we experimented with cutting to the beat of a song using final cut’s marker technique an the Razor Tool icon. We also experimented with the effects that this program provided such as the fading technique or changing the tempo of a shot.

When creating our ancillary texts, photoshop proved to be the most successful, I personally found it difficult to understand at first however after watching some tutorials and a few cases of trial and error, the CD managed to look effective and professional. Although not mentioned to our team member who posed for the photo, the airbrush tool was very useful because from a production company’s point of view, the representation of the artist had to be clear without blemishes in order to be seen as an idol. Also, the colour change tool was very useful as it allowed us to make our ancillary texts look professional and effective.

The skills that I have acquired through the entire process I would have liked to already have had at the beginning, particularly with final cut express and photoshop as the process would have been quicker and easier, allowing me time to experiment further even though I am extremely happy with our final outcome.

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