Evaluation – Question 3 Victoria Bray
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Initial target audience research
When we came up with the idea for our audience profile and key demographic we decided that the ideal audience member for our song/music video would be a 17 year old girl with interests that include; clothes shopping, listening to her favourite pop artists (Jessie J, Beyoncé, Rihanna, etc.) on her iPod, reading magazines such as Heat, Look, Cosmopolitan as well as watching shows such as the X Factor and going to concerts with her friends. We decided that someone with these interests and hobbies would fit best with our audience profile as they would be likely to listen to the pop music genre; a girl is also more likely to enjoy the music of Jessie J and buy the album as her songs tell stories and situations that girls can relate to.

We thought that Kiss TV would be suitable to play our music video as they play all modern pop videos and this is the typical genre our video falls in to.
MTV Hits is a one of the MTV family that specifies in pop music. HITS shows only the most popular songs around at that time within the pop genre.
4 Music is one of the most popular music channels to play pop music; this is due to the fact that it can reach a broad audience as it’s available on digital. It generally plays popular music of the time among TV shows so therefor e the station would play our music video.

Some channels would be chosen to not air our video such as KERRANG, MTV Rocks, Vintage TV and more. This is mostly due to the fact that the genres of music played on the channels do not include that of the pop music genre.
We believe that the channels we have chosen to air our video are ones that will draw in our target audience and these will then be the people that would hopefully buy the track then the prospective album.
Audience Feedback
In terms of the audience feedback received from the final music video, we got many positive responses. We asked people in our media class alongside teachers, who are all different with different likes and interests so to get a fair opinion on the video. The group also included people that would fall into our target audience. They said we had good variations of shots, interesting location choices, a good and strong performance, effective make up choice, close ups that worked well and said that we had a good use of lighting and colouring.
It seemed that people partly understood the slight narrative of the video even though it is overpowered greatly by performance and concepts. This was due to specific shots when the performer is singing directly to the girl and when the performer and the girl are happy together then she is alone. As well as the shots when the characters are all happy and laughing and then the performer is seen alone and sad.
From the feedback we gained we saw that people thought the camerawork was done well and effectively as people commented things such as, “the close ups of characters and performer worked nicely” and “I liked the variety of shots in various locations”.
From the feedback we gained we saw that people thought the camerawork was done well and effectively as people commented things such as, “the close ups of characters and performer worked nicely” and “I liked the variety of shots in various locations”.
please see my Wix website presentation:
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