Friday 16 September 2011

First Meeting

This is our first group meeting, we have come up with our: 
  • Product name - after much discussion we decided to have the name of 'YouKnowJack Productions'
  • Song choice - after brainstorming and coming up with very brief ideas for various songs we all settled on one track we all enjoy and believe we can do a lot with. We chose Jessie J's Nobody's Perfect. We did this because its a pop song, the genre means that the video can be as diverse and creative as we want. We also believe that the lyrics cause for strong narrative which can be easily portrayed through the music video.
  • Location ideas - considering we will need to be able to easily access the location of our choice we were very selective with our choice of set. We all agreed on the idea of a large green area like a field as well as a wooded area like a forest. However, using some outside locations we will have to consider the weather as its not always predictable and lighting cannot be controlled. It was also suggested that we use a family member's house as it is large and beautifully decorated in Victorian style which is an idea we each really took a liking to. 
  • Costume and Mise-en-scene - we all really liked the idea of a really edgy styled wardrobe and make up to contrast with the classic decoration of the location. We were inspired for these ideas by artists such as Lady Gaga as well as Jessie J herself and other modern pop artists who make use of the edgy/weird/coture type dress within music videos. In-keeping with the weird, twisted nature of the costume, we decided that props would include very child-like things such as dolls and teddies that will be played with by grown ups to convey the idea of 'living in the past'.
  • Narrative - the lyrics of the song tell the story of Jessie J and a friend and how she has told everyone something she wasn't meant to and is asking for forgiveness because everyone makes mistakes. We decided we would like to portray this through out music video by showing friendship, anger, upset, etc. in a twisted and almost dream-like/fantasy type of style.

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